
G-od sent seven angels in my life to save me

O-n a mission to make every Ahgase happy

T-icktock, says the clock, every hour I’m falling a little harder for these

7- men without them knowing

And in falling, I found myself not hitting the ground. It doesn’t hurt.

-Julie Anne

GOT7 is a South Korean boy band formed by JYP Entertainment. The group is composed of seven members: Lim Jaebeom, Mark Tuan, Jackson Wang, Park Jinyoung, Choi Youngjae, BamBam, and Kim Yugyeom. (Credits to Wikipediahttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Got7&ved=2ahUKEwjapr6f5cXnAhXsG6YKHc6rB8gQFjAAegQIBxAC&usg=AOvVaw0yOM1ECE9pIUc1msmyundd


“Being a fan means someone inspires you to be a better you.” – BamBam, lead rapper and lead dancer of GOT7

Fan is a noun and is a lover of someone or a group without asking anything in return. A fandom, a group of people who chose to cheer, support, and love a group or again, someone from afar. Being a fan isn’t easy but it’s worth it. It is a form of being selfless.

Ahgases are one of the examples of a fan, they can be a cute baby bird by day, and a blazing Ahgaphoenix by night. They can also be categorized as a shoe bill for Park Jinyoung, a bestfriend for Lim Jaebeom and a family for BamBam and other members.

Our work includes loving GOT7, supporting GOT7, and protecting them with some sidelines like being dorky with GOT7 and teasing them but that’s fine with us, we are a one fandom of a kind. Sometimes we act like bestfriends, or boyfriend-girlfriend, sometimes a couple, most of the times, a family. We function as this but for some odd reason, it doesn’t confuse us.

And it’s fine. We like to stay like that for a long, long time.

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